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Last updated: May 30, 2022

Safety on the App

O n E-zevis, your safety is very important to us. E-zevis Community Guidelines were created to ensure that everyone in the E-zevis community upholds our values of sharing, kindness, respect, and equality. In addition to our guidelines, we are grateful for a stronger community that helps hold each other accountable. We will never hesitate to take action when someone has violated any of the rules.

We will always be here to support you, however, we also believe that our users should feel empowered to exercise good judgment and take safety precautions when meeting new people for any kind of transactions. Here are a few tips from our safety team on how to stay safe when connecting on E-zevis.

1. Be Cautious about Sharing Personal Information

Your phone number, home address, and any other private details about your life are all yours. Consider keeping them top secret until you feel confident that you can trust the person you’re chatting with. If you wouldn’t share this info with a stranger in real life, it’s probably best to hang onto it.

Safety can even start before the first message. Be aware that your profile can contain lots of personal information as well. If the information in your profile could be used to locate you, it might be worth omitting. For example:

• It’s 100% okay to leave out specifics about where you work. We love seeing jobs listed as “Account Manager” at “Tech Company” or “Barista” at “Locally-owned shop.”

• It may be safest to avoid posting a photo that shows you in a specific location you frequently visit.

2. Never Share Financial Information or Transfer Money

Even after trust is established, there is never any reason to share your bank information. If someone asks for payment information (e.g., bank routing details, mother’s maiden name, credit card numbers), report it immediately.

3. Use Our Contact Us Feature

We have a team of moderators working around the clock to keep out spam, fake profiles, and anyone who violates our Community Guidelines. The best way to bring our attention to an account that sets off any red flags is to use our in-app reporting option. All reports are kept completely anonymous, so a reported user will never know who flagged their account.

If you ever miss the opportunity to report someone within the app (e.g., because you unmatched with the user or you deleted your account), it’s not too late! You can always make a report via our Contact Us button in the app, or by emailing us at support@ezevis.com. Our dedicated and caring Support Team takes every report seriously and is always willing to help.

Not sure if what you experienced is worthy of a report? Trust your gut; if it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Our team of moderators will investigate and take appropriate action.

4. Channel Your Inner Secret Agent

Some people might prefer to preserve a little mystery before meeting a new person, but it's always okay to do a little homework before meeting a new swapper in real life. Do they have any skeletons big enough to have made the news? It never hurts to know these things early.

5. Ask for Verification

No one wants to be a victim. If you're meeting a swapper in person that doesn't have that little blue checkmark, ask them to verify beforehand. It takes less than a minute.

6. Meet in a Public Place

We don't recommend having a swapper pick you up at your place or vice versa. It can be a lot of fun to select a public location you both know is safe, has human traffic, lit with surveillance cameras. Meeting in a lively public place also means you can enlist the help of staff or other patrons if you need help. If something doesn't feel right, it's always good to prioritize your safety.

7. Tell Someone You Trust

Whether it's your mom or your roommate– tell someone

(1) where you're going,

(2) who you're meeting, and

(3) when you get home. If it makes you feel more comfortable, you can even send your person a screenshot of your swapper’s profile for good measure. You can temporarily share your location (iPhone / Android) on your phone with your inner circle.

Meeting a new person shouldn't be scary, and a healthy dose of preparation can make all the difference in helping you feel at ease.

8. How To Spot, Avoid, and Report Scams

All swappers are REQUIRED to refer to the link https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-avoid-scam on how to avoid a scam. Report any suspicious activities on scam to our Data Protection Team by email at data@ezevis.com You can also report suspicious activities of scam to FTC using the link https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/.

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